Monday, November 3, 2008

Get Well Soon Marcus

I speak on behalf of all the boys in saying get well soon Marcus hope your knee sort itselfs out.

I bet Jon Phillips being first on the scene and running down shouting "ambulance ambulance" like a cross between Daffydd and John Inman really put you at ease.

All the best butty keep your chin up


Anonymous said...

It was a little concerning to see young Marcus' knee cap in a different position to that of the one on his other leg. I can categorically say that the moments that followed were in the best interests for the safety of the player. i placed the regulation 8 cones around him so nobody would trip over him as the session continued, made sure his injury was covered to avoid any players seeing it, it may make them unwell, the lights were left on so that any foul beasts from the surrounding areas would not assault him as he lay prone to attacks rom predatory creatures and organised our friendly insurance man chico to go and see him. As you can tell that all necessary procedures were followed and hence my actions undoubtedly vindicated.
Official Statement From the Office of Jonathan St John Smythe Sebastian Amos-Phillips Esq III cant wait to see that on the Captains board. Best Wishes are extended to Marcus lets hope hes back in a beaufort jersey before long.

Anonymous said...

I couldnt of said it better myself Jon.

Your area a man amongst men (ooh eck)