Monday, October 27, 2008

A Coaches View Rhymney v Beaufort 2008

A funny old game was this one!!!

Possession wise and territory wise we probably shaded it but whereas we were poor in the contact area, Rhymney certainly weren't. 2 of their tries started well within their 22, where incidentally we were pressing hard to score. Our inability to hold onto the ball cost us dear and away they went to score at the other end!!!

The injuries were a bit of a worry, in the end we run out of subs!!! Bopper needs to seek specialist advice now cos his knee is a cause for concern. Justin Bennett is no longer the good looking Bennett brother!!! Sorry Shaldon!!! The rest are just battered and bruised!!!

We seem to be quiet and pensive before games and it takes us 10 Min's to get into the game, especially the forwards. I know, not everybody is into shouting and balling before the game but if that's what it takes for us to hit the ground running then we'll go down that road!!!

Next week it doesn't get any easier cos we host Markham, who like Rhymney will run the ball from anywhere!!! You have been warned!!!

Cu 2nite
Ur's as ever
Glyn Moon FC but Not TM!! Dudey SM


Anonymous said...

Benny has now got a nose like a cock!!!

Thats 2 big cocks he's got now, the lucky bugger!!!!

Anonymous said...

it does look like is cock

Anonymous said...

My cock is like a nose, It smells. Boom Boom